Other Work
- Major Projects
- Consultancy Service for Design of New Buildings and Completion of Public Authority for Civil Aviation Authority (PACA) HQ Building at MCT & SLL Airports.
- Consultancy Services for Design & Supervision for Military Commercial Complex in Al Mawalah
- Consultancy Services for Design & Supervision of Lecture Hall for Staff College at Bait Al Falaj
- Consultancy Services for Design & Supervision for Landscape Services at Salalah for Ministry of Tourism
- Consultancy Services for Supervision for Office Building for Public Prosecution Authority in Shinas
- Military Projects
- Design & Supervision of Military Commercial Complex in Al Mawaleh for Ministry of Defence
- Master Plan of Military Camp at Hazam for MOD with a total built up area of 4km2
- Design Services for SSF Adam Camp
- Design Services for SSF Haima Camp
- Lecture Hall at Bait Al Falaj (Command Staff College) for Ministry of Defence with a total built up area of 3217m2
- Design of Surface run-off & strom water diversion of Royal Air Force of Oman (Thumrait Camp)
- Design and Supervision of Audit Building for Ministry of Defence at Muaskar al Murtafa
- Design and Supervision of Army Camp at Saih Rawal (Al Wusta)
- Design of Office Building for Sultan Armed Forces Engineers (SAFE) at Muaskar al Murtafa
- Design of New Facilities at Al Shafaq Club at Auzaiba for Ministry of Defence
- Design of Sultan Armed Forces Transport School for SAF Transport Mabailah
- Design of Structural Design of Extension at Al Shafaq Club at Auzaiba for Ministry of Defence
- Healthcare Projects
- Design of Health Centre at Rusayl Industrial Estates for an Industrial Establishment with a Built up area of 802m2 with an Estimated Cost of R.O 280,875/-
- Communicable Disease Center at Sohar at the Value of RO 340,000/-
- Educational Projects
- School Building at Sohar for a Private Investor through Ministry of Education with a Total Value of R.O 350,000/-
- School Building at Masirah for a Private Investor through Ministry of Education for a Total Value of R.O 400,000/-
- Leisure & Tourisim Projects
- Development of Izki Resort & Spa - 5 star hotel - Male & Female SPA 26 Chalet for a Private Investor with a Built up Area of 6000m2 with an estimated value of R.O 2,500,000/-
- Development of Tourist Project at Khasab for a Private Investor with a built up Area of 5750m2 with an estimated value of R.O 2,012,500/-
- Development of "Nakhl" holiday resort at Nakhl for a Private Investor with a Total built up area of 1751.60m2 with an estimated value of R.O 615,000/-
- Residential & Commercial Projects
- Commercial/Residential Building @ Al Khuwair- Ground floor Plus 8 storey for Seven Seas Properties with a Total built up area of 12072m2 with a Total Cost of R.O 4,225,200/-
- Residential complex 40 Nos at Al Humriyah for Seven Seas properties with a Total built up area of 6513m2 with a value of R.O 2,279,800/-
- Residential and commercial buildings (7 floors) at Al Khoudh for Seven Seas Properties LLC with a Total Built up area of 7483m2 with a total value of R.O 3 Million
- Private villa (4 Nos) in Al Khoudh for a private investor with a Total built up area of 1315m2 with an Estimated value of R.O 460,250/-
- New Commercial/Residential building at Ghala for Seven Seas petroleum LLC with a Total Built up area of 6488m 2 with a value of R.O 2,011,280/-
- Commercial Complex at Masirah for a Private Investor with a Built up area of 7000m 2 with a Total Value of R.O 2 Million
- Various commercial and private villas in various Locations in Muscat area with a Total value of over R.O 4 Million
- 6 Storey Commercial/Residential building at Al-Muwalh
- 5 Storey Commercial/Residential Building at Al-Khaud
- 5 Storey Commercial/Residential Building at Al-Hamriyah
- Other Projects
- Agriculture Material Stores at Barka with a total built up area of 1200m2 with a Total cost of R.O 360,000/-
- Supervision of Al Houtah Al Sharqyah Wa Al Gharbyah Road In Salalah (M.R.M.W.R)
- Conceptual Design of Light House at Ra'sal Hadd
- Consultancy services to Establish Electronic Libraries in North Oman Operations for Petroleum Development Oman
- Expansion of Arrival Lounge at Qurn Alam Air Port for the PDO
- Consultancy services for Channeling of Wadi Route at Taw (M.R.M.W.R)
- Real Estate Investment study & design of G.Muttrah Hotel
- Real Estate Investment study & design of site at Wadi Al-Lawami
- Real Estate Investment study & design of site at Al-Rumis
- Real Estate Investment study & design site at Al-Murisi
- Supervision of Development of more than 20 Tourism Sites at Governorate of
Dhofar by (M.R.M.W.R)